When I think about this blog, I see it as more than just a collection of posts. To me, this blog itself is an artwork, something that evolves with me over time. Nothing here is original—it’s heavily inspired by numerous blogs from the wild corners of the internet. Like any other art piece, every inch of this website is crafted carefully with vision, attention, and reason.
In today’s social media, AI-bloated web, personal blogs like these bring me immense joy—those aha moments when I discover a random blog are truly magical. These weird, seemingly meaningless blogs about something random—people creating one million checkboxes , cleaning a Birkenstock, showering in Antarctica , or documenting their lives for no one but themselves—are fascinating. I often spend countless hours hopping between blogs in webrings , mesmerized by the sheer randomness of human experiences.

While today’s web is dominated by algorithms forcing content upon us, this blog is where I have complete control. I’m the master here; I can write about anything, in any way, without worrying about pleasing an audience or an algorithm. This autonomy is liberating and essential for my self-expression. One thing I find empowering is the ability to delete all of this in one go. I’m the creator, curator, and destroyer of this space. While I know sites like the Wayback Machine might archive it, I still hold the power to pull the plug from the original domain. At its core, this website is a collection of HTML files with some CSS and unnecessary JS spit out by Hugo, with boatloads of dependencies. To learn more, read the colophon .
As with any art, this blog will evolve. There’s no fixed definition of what it should be or how it should look. It is truly nicheless—fluid and changing as I grow. This blog is all about self-expression, capturing who I am at any given moment. Over time, I envision it becoming a comprehensive documentation—a wiki of my life. Everything I learn, read, watch, and aspire to do will find a place here. It will be a repository of my existence, a digital archive of my thoughts and experiences.
Like every human being, I do enjoy fame, recognition, or attention. While I appreciate traffic to my projects and feedback on my work, at its core, this is a deeply personal project. It is an evolving organism, taking multiple forms, growing, and eventually, like all things, it will die. This could happen if Cloudflare goes bankrupt or if the domain expires and I can’t renew it forever. I would love to make this blog immortal and evergreen, especially given that 25% of webpages posted between 2013 and 2023 have vanished from the internet. I wish there were a service that pools money from investors to ensure the longevity of their blogs. I wrote more about this in my journal recently.
This blog is a testament to my life, my thoughts, and my creativity. It is my greatest art, a living, breathing entity that will continue to evolve as long as I do. And when its time comes, it will be a beautiful reflection of a life well-lived, a masterpiece in its own right..
The web needs more weirdness. And more excitement. And more personality.
Somewhat inpsired by
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No pressure, but I'd love to have you along for the ride!
Well put! You've captured the blog as a living, breathing art so nicely!
Thanks a lot Zak for the feedback! :)