Why and How I Version My Blog

When I moved this blog from WordPress to Hugo, I added a version number to the footer. While it served no practical purpose at the time, it made the blog feel more polished, more deliberate—an aesthetic touch, rather than utilitarian. I used to update it occasionally, but often used to forget about it and it was never automated. A few months later, during a casual conversation, a friend asked, “You seem to tweak your blog a lot....

November 21, 2024 · ⏱ 6 min

File Over App: A Philosophy for Digital Longevity

I recently spoke to a reader on the blog during unoffice hours , and we got into a discussion about Notion. While I agree that Notion’s UI is sleek and feature-rich, I had my concerns. I used Notion for a while in early 2021 but eventually switched to Obsidian. This isn’t a promotion for Obsidian—nor am I affiliated—but I made the switch because I wanted a tool that’s local-first, fast, and lets me export files that can outlast any app....

November 13, 2024 · ⏱ 7 min

Why I chose to be Nicheless

I will admit it—I often look at my blog’s analytics now and then. I can see which posts are popular, and I find a sense of joy looking at it. But when I sit down to write, SEO, algorithms, click-baity titles, or pageviews are the last things on my mind. Usually, I just have an idea, like this one while I was high on coffee with racing thoughts. When an idea hits me, I jot it down in my Obsidian notes without worrying about spelling or grammar—just capturing the raw thought....

November 7, 2024 · ⏱ 8 min

The Lindy Effect: Why Things That Last, Last Longer

I recently came across this interesting concept called the “Lindy Effect” or “Lindy’s Law.” It is a phenomenon or a theory that suggests that the older something is, the more likely it is to continue existing far into the future. The longevity of non-perishable things—especially ideas, technologies, cultural artifacts, etc.—increases the chances of enduring even longer. From ancient philosophies to classic literature, traditional recipes, rituals, and age-old technologies, some things not only survive but become more likely to persist the longer they exist....

October 29, 2024 · ⏱ 8 min

My Blog is My Greatest Art

When I think about this blog, I see it as more than just a collection of posts. To me, this blog itself is an artwork, something that evolves with me over time. Nothing here is original—it’s heavily inspired by numerous blogs from the wild corners of the internet. Like any other art piece, every inch of this website is crafted carefully with vision, attention, and reason. In today’s social media, AI-bloated web, personal blogs like these bring me immense joy—those aha moments when I discover a random blog are truly magical....

October 12, 2024 · ⏱ 4 min