My Blog is My Greatest Art

When I think about this blog, I see it as more than just a collection of posts. To me, this blog itself is an artwork, something that evolves with me over time. Nothing here is original—it’s heavily inspired by numerous blogs from the wild corners of the internet. Like any other art piece, every inch of this website is crafted carefully with vision, attention, and reason. In today’s social media, AI-bloated web, personal blogs like these bring me immense joy—those aha moments when I discover a random blog are truly magical....

October 12, 2024 · ⏱ 4 min

The Super Randonneur Journey

When I shared my 2022 review , I mentioned that becoming a ‘Super Randonneur’ was one of the best things that happened last year. After publishing the blog post, I received a few messages from readers asking about the same, and I thought of jotting down my experiences in this blog post. To start with, Randonneuring is a long-distance cycling sport that originated in France. It is characterized by self-supported endurance rides that cover distances of 200 kilometers or more, called brevets (BRM)....

January 15, 2023 · ⏱ 12 min

2023: A Year of Execution

As the year 2022 comes to a close, I look back to see how I’ve done and set more meaningful goals for 2023. Inspired by interesting creators and personalities online, 2022 was the first year of my life in which I made a rough plan for the year ahead. Even though I didn’t achieve everything I aimed for, I’m still happy that I had some direction. As I did in 2022 , the main areas of 2023 planning will revolve around health, wealth, and career....

January 5, 2023 · ⏱ 5 min

Importance of Single Purpose Devices in a Distracted World

On Jan 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced the original iPhone by saying, “An iPod, a phone, and an internet communicator. An iPod, a phone, are you getting it?”. The original iPhone’s multiple functionalities with a touch screen interface were revolutionary and paved the way for the smartphone and the digital revolution. Undoubtedly, smartphones have changed the lives of many across the globe by providing access to information. But it is also important to look at the impact of smartphones on our attention and the addiction they have caused us....

August 16, 2022 · ⏱ 5 min

72-Hour Rule: How to Stop Impulse Buying?

Impulse buying, or impulse purchase, is an unplanned decision by a person to buy a product or service. We are all victims of the marketing strategies deployed by various companies that compel us to buy things we don’t really need. In a digitally connected world where everything is convenience-oriented and immediately available, the pleasure of delayed gratification is essentially eliminated. I personally had the habit of impulse buying online and hoarding stuff in the past....

July 26, 2022 · ⏱ 5 min