27 Lessons I’ve learnt in 28 Years

When I turned 27 this year, during a flight journey I thought of scribbling down 27 lessons I’ve learnt over the years. I’ve tried to keep these lessons as short as possible with maximum clarity. JOMO > FOMO . Embracing Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) over Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is the key to happiness and fulfilment over a long time. Organic Farming might sound sustainable and fancy, but it is not practical to use it to feed the rising population....

December 27, 2020 · ⏱ 5 min

Brilliance Bias: Brilliance as a Male Trait

Brilliance and genius are often traits associated with STEM fields like mathematics, physics, engineering, etc. Despite multiple studies showing that gender plays no role in brilliance, brilliance is often attributed to men. Brilliance bias is the tendency to consider brilliance as a male characteristic. An illustration of brilliance bias by Sketchplanations Our history books include few women, so subconsciously, from a young age, men are often our first thought when we consider brilliant people....

October 10, 2021 · ⏱ 2 min

How to Start an Attention Diet?

We are living in a century where we are bombarded with information. Thanks to the rise of social media, digital journalism, and live media, we now have access to vast amounts of information like never before. Distractions have become so common in this digital age that we have started to accept them as normal. We have reached a point where we have more ways to get distracted than to be focused....

August 15, 2021 · ⏱ 6 min

What I learnt from my first 100 Email Subscribers on Substack

At the end of May 2021, I started a newsletter called 10+1 Things on Substack. The main idea behind the newsletter was to funnel some traffic to this blog and to other projects I’m working on. In fact, I came up with the name 10+1 Things in 15 minutes and decided to start it on Substack as it was quick to set up. As I’m writing this, 10+1 Things has just crossed 100+ subscribers....

August 8, 2021 · ⏱ 4 min

Why I keep a Stress Journal

I started journaling when the second wave of Covid-19 hit India in April 2021. I’m not a daily journal person, though I would like to make it a daily habit. I journal my thoughts occasionally on Obsidian in digital format using Markdown. I also maintain an Idea Journal in public , a resonance journal in Notion , and a private art journal in Obsidian . The only journal I write in physical form is my Stress Journal....

July 31, 2021 · ⏱ 2 min

5 Lessons I Learned from the 30 Day Meditation Challenge

The idea of meditation has always confused me. Being an atheist ( This is my bible! ) as well as a rationalist, I thought of it as another woo-woo thing. Woo-Woo basically means “ideas or methods that are based on false beliefs or imaginary things, rather than reason or scientific knowledge.” Earlier this year, I was backpacking through North India and I met many people who had life-changing experiences with meditation....

July 25, 2021 · ⏱ 9 min

Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Book Summary & Notes

Naval Ravikant, often called the ‘Angel Philosopher’ , is one of the greatest thinkers and entrepreneurs of this generation. Naval has this amazing ability to distill big, universal ideas and philosophies into bite-sized Twitter tweets . The book, ‘The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness’ , is a collection of Naval’s wisdom from Twitter, podcasts, and essays over the past decade. The author of the book, Eric Jorgenson , created a Twitter poll asking the audience whether he should compile Naval’s tweets into a book....

July 9, 2021 · ⏱ 7 min

Show Your Work by Austin Kleon: Book Summary & Notes

Show Your Work by Austin Kleon is the main reason why I started this blog . Through the book, Austin teaches people how to think about their work as a never-ending process that attracts like-minded people. It explains why you don’t have to be a genius to present your ideas to the world. It stresses the importance of having a personal blog to share your ideas and how it will transform into a self-invention machine....

June 11, 2021 · ⏱ 4 min

5 Reasons Why I Decided to Start a Blog

At the end of 2020, I decided to quit my job and backpack for the next 6 months on a journey of self-discovery. Fast-forward to April 2021, I had to stop traveling and go back home due to the second wave of the pandemic in India . The journey changed me a lot, and I decided to make small changes in my daily routine for a fulfilled life with happiness and financial freedom....

May 11, 2021 · ⏱ 4 min