Woke up and had breakfast for the first time in a long time. The usual: 2 whole boiled eggs and 2 boiled egg whites with some garlic mayo for flavor. Had some pending work, so went straight into it. Got on a call with a friend and caught up on a lot of things, but it lasted long, and I had a very late lunch at 3:30 PM. Lunch was some chapathi, some dal curry, 100g of pan-seared chicken breast, and some yogurt.

Charcoal Chicken
Charcoal Chicken

Back to work mode with a lot of pending tasks since it was newsletter publishing day as well. Had a banana for an evening snack and ordered charcoal chicken from outside. The portions were huge—280g of grilled chicken, 60g of hummus, and some garlic mayo.

Published the newsletter and slept peacefully, skipping the protein shake as I was quite dormant and had already hit my protein intake. I need to ensure that I get some movement on days like these!

Stats for the day

- Total Calories: 1921 Cal
- Protien: 126g
- Fibre: 13g
- Carbs: 143g
- Fats: 95g
- Protein/BW Ratio: 1.61g/kg
- Steps: 6106 steps
- Calories Burnt: 166 Cal