Today I learned about Hugo’s resources.GetRemote function while trying to add Hacker News discussion stats to one of my blog posts . I wanted to display the upvotes and comments count from HN in a nice badge, and discovered that Hugo can fetch this data during build time.

Hackernews discussion stats on Hugo Post
An example of Hackernews discussion stats on Hugo Post

Here’s an example of how I used it to fetch Hacker News discussion stats:

{{ $id := .Get "id" }}
{{ with resources.GetRemote (printf "" $id) }}
  {{ with .Content | unmarshal }}
    Upvotes: {{ .score }}
    Comments: {{ .descendants }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

To make this reusable, I created a shortcode that displays an interactive badge with live stats from HN:

{{ $id := .Get "id" }}
<div class="hn-discussion">
  <a href="{{ $id }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
    <div class="hn-badge">
      <div class="hn-content">
        <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 16 16" class="hn-logo">
          <rect x="0" y="0" width="16" height="16" fill="#ff6600"/>
          <text x="3" y="12" fill="white" style="font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;">Y</text>
        <div class="hn-text">
          <span class="hn-main-text">View Hacker News Discussion</span>
          <div class="hn-stats">
            {{ with resources.GetRemote (printf "" $id) }}
              {{ with .Content | unmarshal }}
                <span class="stat-item"> {{ .score }} upvotes</span>
                <span class="stat-divider"></span>
                <span class="stat-item"> {{ .descendants }} comments</span>
              {{ end }}
            {{ end }}

Please also note that you have to enable external data fetching in your Hugo configuration by explicitly allowing requests to For instance, I added the following to my config.toml:

      - GET

This ensures that Hugo permits fetching remote data from the specified URL while keeping security restrictions in place.

Hugo’s resources.GetRemote opens up a lot of possibilities for fetching external data in static sites while keeping everything efficient. Super useful! I might also convert the live fitness data on my now page using Strava API and update the data on build rather than relying on a separate webjob!