Every Tuesday and Thursday, 09:00 PM GST (UTC+4) , my calendar is open for 45 minutes for an open discussion.

Unoffice hours are informal conversations without an agenda, topic, or preparation. Some interesting topics we can discuss are:

  • An interesting movie you saw recently and why it’s great.
  • A project you are working on and need some feedback.
  • If you wish to hire me for some work or want to collaborate with me on a project.
  • You were intrigued by some ideas I listed and wanted to chat more.
  • Or anything you want to discuss.

If the above timeslots, do not work for you due to timezone differences, contact me and we can work something out.

As an experiment, Matt Webb came up with the idea of Unoffice hours in 2020 as a twist to office hours and opened up his calendar to discuss random things.

This site is a part of a webring by Dave Smyth that consists of other people offering Unoffice Hours. Check them out:

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