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Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (5/5)

★★★★★ Direction
★★★★★ Script
★★★★★ Performances
★★★★☆ Cinematography
★★★★☆ Impact


Uff, what an amazing series, considering it came out in 2004! Loved every bit of it!

I mean, we can talk all about the ending and also the explanation of various features of the island, but I think the series is all about the various character arcs! Casting was spot on! Some characters who are meant to be annoying became annoying. The art department did a wonderful job with the set and location. I must admit I’m a bit confused about the ending, but after a bit of reading, I got some sort of idea. But that does not take away anything from the series! I would rate this among the best I’ve seen on television. I’m envious of the people who had the opportunity to wait each week for a new episode, discuss it with friends, and speculate stuff when it was airing through. At the same time, I’m grateful that there exist services like Netflix where I can binge-watch and finish the series.

Now it’s time to indulge more in Lostpedia , discover lots of Easter eggs, and become a certified Lost head!

See you in another life, brother!

Finished watching on 01-12-2024 on Netfllix.
Review wrrited on: 03-12-2024